I got to spend a couple of days at the beach this week helping to finish off my client's master bedroom at her beach house (tough gig, I know). You can read my initial post here where I detailed my initial design plan. And here's a reminder of the mood board I put together:

Since there's nothing I love more than a good before and after, I'll show a before shot of the room with the caveat that this isn't really a fair "before". They had no furniture when this picture was taken so I was technically working with a blank slate. But, I'd say the finished room makes up for it!

And here are some shots of how the room turned out. I love that it is bright and modern but still cozy with an element of fun thanks to the patterns in the fabrics.

I think my favorite thing in the room is the bench at the foot of the bed. It was a great vintage find that just needed some TLC. I'm so glad that my client trusted me enough to go for it! Here's the BEFORE of the bench as a refresher:

Big difference in the AFTER, right? I'm so glad they trusted my vision that it could turn into something great although I'm fairly certain they thought I was crazy when I suggested we buy the bench in the first place!

Most of the sources were linked in my original post outlining my design plan but if there's something you see and want to recreate in your own home, feel free to shoot me a message or leave a comment.
xo, Cameron