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Vintage Rugs in the Kitchen and one in ours!

It's all the rage now to have a vintage rug in the kitchen and I have to say I am totally on board with it. The rugs bring such warmth, color, and softness to an otherwise utilitarian space.

Just look at a few examples of how these rugs really make these kitchens:

{via the kitchn}

{via Domino}

{via golden girl crush}

We have beautiful original hardwood floors in our kitchen and I have felt like a vintage rug would look GREAT in there! My husband is not interested in me spending money on a new rug for the kitchen and in fairness, there are so many other projects that we need to get done, it isn't where I'd like to spend money either.

Since we've lived in this house, I've had this same old rug I got from Crate and Barrel YEARS ago in our kitchen by our sink. It's too small for the space and it has definitely seen better days after having been washed about a zillion times. It worked in our house in DC because our kitchen was tiny but it has always felt too small in front of our sink in our current house.


But then as I was going through the attic (one of my 2018 organization goals) trying to organize some things, I came across one of my grandmother's vintage rugs that I previously didn't think I had a place for. It's old, it has seen better days, but it is flat weave, definitely vintage and FREE! So, out she came and there she sits and she makes me happy.


The larger rug doesn't look so dinky in front of the sink now and definitely ties in to the rest of the feel of the house much better! So until the day comes that I can get a new, old rug for our kitchen, I'm pretty happy with this compromise.

Happy almost weekend!

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